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Create a kind Cluster​

  1. Create the kind cluster: kind create cluster --name kubefuzz
  2. Wait until everything is up and running: kubectl get pods -A

Deploy the sample Admission Controller​

  1. create the kubefuzz namespace: kubectl create namespace kubefuzz
  2. deploy the custom resource: kubectl apply -f fooddeliveryorder-crd.yaml
  3. deploy the admission controller: kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
  4. deploy the admission controller config: kubectl apply -f validatingac.yaml

Use Kubefuzz​

  1. get the current schemas from the k8s api (refer to docs or kubefuzz --help)
  2. toy around with kubefuzz: kubefuzz fuzz -f fuzzdir -s schemas -c constraint.yaml -e 250

Predfined Constraints​

You can find predefined Constraints in the predefined_constraints folder in the Github repo.